Instructional Design and Innovation Institute

If you have not already registered for the ASCCC Instructional Design and Innovation (IDI) Institute to be held January 21 – 23, 2016 in Riverside at the Convention Center, there is still room. The IDI Institute is focused on strategies to improve student success and build more effective college programs. With over 60 sessions (see program on the ASCCC website at the link above), discussions will include many exciting and timely topics like cultivating partnerships to create new opportunities for students, improving the collaboration between instruction and student services on our campuses, discovering different strategies in curricular design, integrating instructional technology into the classroom to enhance teaching, and effectively institutionalizing innovative programs to ensure they do not disappear. Do not miss this opportunity to send a team from your college to learn many new ideas about how to improve student success for some of our most diverse students.

For more information visit our website under registration.

Link to event on Central Regional Consortium Website.

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