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Program Recommendations & Processes

Creating Regional Innovations
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The CVML works collaboratively with public/private stakeholders to design in-demand curriculum that supports the needs of business and students. Noted below are the processes for program and course approvals.

Program Recommendation PowerPoint Presentation

All requests to add new credit programs or certificates to a college’s inventory of career technical education programs requires a recommendation from the CVML’s designated lead Career Technical Education (CTE) administrators. A full outline of the course submission process can be found in the 8th Edition Program and Course Approval Handbook.

A recommendation for adding a new credit program or certificate is required by the Academic Affairs Division of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and is intended to inform colleges in the region about changes in programs at other colleges and to foster a spirit of collaboration and coordination that results in viable and accessible choices of occupational and workforce education throughout the Region. To obtain this recommendation, college representatives are to follow the local process.

Colleges seeking regional recommendation must submit their request online at RegionalCTE.org.  In addition to general program information, provide a narrative response to the topics listed below. These narrative responses should be the SAME responses you will provide to the CCCCO when you are ready to submit your program for formal approval (chaptering).

  • Program Goals and Objectives – must address a valid workforce preparation purpose and may address transfer preparation.
  • Catalog Description – includes program requirements, prerequisite skills or enrollment limitations, student learning outcomes, and information relevant to program goal.
  • Program Requirements – includes course requirements and sequencing that reflect program goals. The GE pattern and the calculations used to reach the degree total must be shown following the program requirements table.
  • Enrollment and Completer Projections – projection of number of students to earn degree annually.

Center of Excellence (COE) – click on link below

In addition to the narrative responses above, you will also attach the following to your submission:

  • LMI Report – provided by the Centers of Excellence
  • Advisory Committee Minutes – indicating a recommendation of the program/program changes. (see below in the More Information & Helpful Links section)

Please note that the PCAH 8th Edition (page 99) states: Pursuant to Education Code § 78015 Labor Market Information (LMI) data is specifically required for all new CTE program proposals, where available. Current LMI and analysis, or other comparable information, must show that jobs are available for program completers within the local service area of the individual college and/or that job enhancement or promotion justifies the proposed curriculum. Regional, statewide, or national labor market evidence may be included as supplementary support, but evidence of need in the specific college service area or region is also necessary.

The CVML relies on consistent LMI data provided by the region’s COE in order to make a recommendation for program approval. At their discretion, colleges may submit other LMI data in addition to the LMI provided by the COE.

Center of Excellence (COE) LMI Request Form

Perkins Qualifying Occupations in the CVML Region

CVML – Central Valley qualifying occupations as related to Perkins (Excel Spreadsheet)


All new credit courses must be voted on and a majority vote of the institutions attending is required for program application endorsement (One vote per college.)

Once a program application packet is submitted to the Central Valley Mother Lode (CVML) Regional Consortium office, the Regional Consortium will notify each designated CTE administrator of the pending action electronically with a link to the program application.

Following the distribution of the program packet, a new program will be voted on by electronic ballot.

Each community college’s designated lead Career Technical Education (CTE) administrator is responsible for submitting the vote on behalf of his/her institution. Only one vote is counted per campus. Nay votes must be accompanied by rationale. The college submitting the application is notified electronically of the outcome of the balloting process, to include the rationale for any nay votes received.