Onboarding Tools
Central Valley Mother Lode Regional ConsortiumOnboarding Tools
Do you need information about how the CVML works collaboratively to solve complex workforce issues in our region? Tap into the tools and resources below for more information.
- Meet Our Team
- Onboarding Overview and Guide
- View Governance Structure
- Download Strategic Plan
- Summary of CVML Colleges Student Scorecards
- CVML Overview 2023
- Subregional Labor Market Overview (North Central Valley/Southern Mother Lode)
- Subregional Labor Market Overview (South Central Valley/Southern Mother Lode)
Guided Pathways Work Plan
- Guided Pathways Resource Guide
- CalPassPlus Launchboard
- Guided Pathways: 2022-26 Work Plan
- NOVA Reporting Link
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act – Aligning with WIOA
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Key Improvements
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Executive Summary
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act FAQs
CVML CTE Dean Leadership Modules
- Dual enrollment Course Agreement
- Dual Enrollment Course instructor agreement
- Dual enrollment MOU template 2015 KCCD