To explore further jobs evolving from the development of the alternative fuel and advanced vehicle technologies and understand specific workforce needs of employers and how post-secondary education responds, the California Energy Commission commissioned a series of reports from the Centers of Excellence for Labor Market Research (COE) – incorporating surveys of fleet, dealership and automotive repair services employers, focus groups and expert interviews. The work was also undertaken in close cooperation with the ATRE Initiative Statewide and Regional Deputy Sector Navigators.
The COE are excited to share the outputs of this multi-year research effort that resulted in multiple products ranging from full gap analyses and education program assessments to career profiles and industry briefs. These products can be utilized for program improvement and program planning, as well as career counseling and regional pathways alignment projects. All research results are summarized on a statewide level, with additional region-by-region data breakdowns provided where possible.
Read more and access all 12 reports/briefs Link to www.coeccc.nethere.
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