Friday, October 7, 2016- Orosi High School Career Day

Career Day Flyer PDF

A message from Orosi High School’s Lisa Castillo:

Hello colleagues, faculty, friends, and industry partners, I hope this email finds you in good spirits. Orosi High School is nearing the end of 2015-2016 and preparing for 2016-2017! My how time passes quickly!

We appreciate your support and participation in our college and career day events in the past and we are calling upon each and every one of you to mark your calendars & “Save the Date” for our 2016-2017 College and Career Day Event & Fair on Friday, October 7, 2016.

We encourage you to invite additional colleagues, mentors, and professional acquaintances from all career pathways so that we continue to grow this amazing event to mentor future generations of students in pursuit of college and career dreams!

Our students need every opportunity possible to learn about the various college and career paths to success, the diversity in career occupations, similar or differing backgrounds to achieve post-secondary success and most importantly they need mentoring with good heart to heart conversations about what employers seek in employees and what it will take for each to be successful in the workforce!

Last year OHS increased our Career Day Guest Presenter participation to 104 and 40 post-secondary educational institutions attended our College Fair event. Please forward this flyer to anyone you know. We turn no one away!

I will send a Confirmation Google Form in the month of June 2016; however, feel free to confirm now if you would like 🙂

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via phone and or email! I look forward to hearing from you.


Lisa Castillo

District Director of College & Career Readiness

Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District

12623 Ave. 416

Orosi CA. 93647

Work (559)-528-4731

Cell (559) 339-8363

Educating Minds, Inspiring Futures!

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