CRC Process:
- LEAs that have a Capital Outlay Request must complete the Google form online or a fillable PDF form.
- The form will help verify if the requested amount is already in the plan and budgeted. IF NOT, a Budget Revision form is needed.
- We have moved to using the google form online:
- Process of online capital outlay:
- LEA completes online form
- Form will follow logic based on response:
- Is the amount for capital outlay match your plan –
- NO > Budget Request form needed and the LEA will have to adjust their OWN NOVA PLAN BUDGET
- YES > Budget request form is NOT needed
- Is the amount for capital outlay match your plan –
- Once form is completed, the form is emailed to the K14 TAP and Pathway Coordinator Team.
- Pathway Coordinators will review request within their service area.
- Pathway Coordinators will either follow up with additional information needed, IF needed.
- Pathway Coordinators will review for pre-approval and email RC with their recommendation
- Please allow 3 business days to respond to Capital Outlay Request