An opportunity to change the direction of education in Central California and the culture of our schools is open to all educational leaders. All you need to have is a willingness to listen and evaluate practices that have proven to work, the courage to champion change and a true desire to help all the students who rely on you for their futures.
SB1070 is a State-wide initiative that requires regions to examine and implement policies that are proven to promote the successful transition from high school to post-secondary training or education. You are part of the Central California/Mother lode Region that includes 13 community colleges. The program provides limited resources to assist you but most of what can be done doesn’t require money…just willingness.
We are scheduling a series of three meetings before the end of the year in three different locations, nine in all. The purpose is to expose you and your peers to the proven, successful programs that yield dramatically improved results for students and schools.
- The First will detail the importance of an effective career exploration program that was developed at The George Washington University. It was adapted by Academic Innovations into their Career Choices Curriculum and expanded by Santa Barbara City College(Aspen Institutes Best Community College of 2013) to become the Get Focused-Stay Focused Freshman transition Program. This program is the foundation that gives all student personal relevance to their studies and a 10-year plan to their future. It begins the process to build self-sufficient adults. You’ll find out why it is a graduation requirement in Santa Barbara County.
- The Second meeting will cover the two most effective tools that promote student success in college: Articulation and Dual Enrollment. Countless studies show that students who have the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school are more likely to enter college, less likely to need remediation, and will finish a program of study faster than those who aren’t given the opportunity.
- The Third meeting will show you how to develop a system that goes far beyond a narrow view of Pathways to a system where each student has their own individual program of study and pathway to whatever career they choose.
You will have an opportunity to hear educators from schools like yours who have put these ideas into practice and can share the results. We will examine the barriers thrown up by the system and discuss strategies to overcome them. We will give you the tools to give every student in your school or district the vision and pathway to a productive future. Please make every effort to attend.
Meeting Schedule
- LOCATION – The Fresno Hotel and Convention Center, 2233 Ventura Street, Fresno
- TIME: Registration – 9:30 AM; Program starts at 10:00, Lunch will be served at 12 and the program will end at 1:00PM
- DATES – September 12, 2014 -Get Focused-Stay Focused
October 17, 2014 – Articulation/Credit by Exam and Dual Enrollment
November 14, 2014 – Pathways and Programs of Study
- LOCATION – Doubletree Hotel, Rosedale Hwy at 99
- TIME: Registration- 9:30 AM, Program starts at 10:00, Lunch will be served at 12 and the program will end at 1:00
- DATES – September 19, 2014 – Get Focused-Stay Focused
October 31, 2014 – Articulation/Credit by Exam and Dual Enrollment
November 7, 2014 – Pathways and Programs of Study
- LOCATION – Doubletree Hotel, 1150 Ninth Street, Modesto
- TIME: Registration – 9:30 AM, Program starts at 10:00, Lunch will be served at 12 and the program will end at 1:00 PM
- DATES: – September 26, 2014 – Get Focused-Stay Focused
October 3, 2014 – Articulation/Credit by Exam and Dual Enrollment
November 21, 2014 – Pathways and Programs of Study
Any travel, hotel and meal expenses incurred if you travel to attend any session will be reimbursed. (Details will be available at the event)
RSVP and direct any questions or comments to Bob Hawkes at 661-336-5047 or
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